Photo of Candace Rowell

Rev. Candace Rowell



Rev. Matt Laney

Rev. Matt Laney



Jeff Ayers

Director of Worship



Ana Santos

Church Administrator


Christine Appleyard-Smith

Nursery Coordinator


Meagan Green

Nursery Teacher


Lay Leadership

Our church is also guided by our Parish Council. Our Parish Council works closely with church staff to manage the operations, finances and our building. Our Parish Council is comprised of members of the congregation who have volunteered their time to serve in this role and our elected by our congregation.

Parish Council members serve on staggered terms of service. Each year, the congregation is asked to confirm new members of the Council in an official vote.

The Parish Council meets on the Second Sunday of each month after worship. Your attendance is welcomed.

Janis Edwards serves as the current President of our Parish Council. Here is a message from Janis:

“I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve as the new Parish Council President during this very special time for the Virginia-Highland Church. Celebrating the 100-year history and planning for a vibrant future for this community is joyful work! I look forward to getting to know each one of you and your special God given gifts. 

As we continue our Gospel work and ask for Wisdom in our new ventures with the Virginia-Highland Community, I trust each of us will offer our talents to making the world a better place. That work will need us to pray together, sing together, rest together in each other’s care, and share together in the joy of our discipleship. May it be so!”

The VHC Community Information Portal contains information on our budget/finances,
church governance documents, human resources information and more.
VHC Members can access the Portal by requesting access at
Virginia-Highland Church (UCC)