A crowd at the College Republican National Committee convention erupted in laughter and applause on Friday when featured speaker Caitlyn Jenner joked about an attack on a group of Republican lawmakers, saying, “Liberals can’t even shoot straight.”

The comment was captured on video and posted by a college Republican group in Virginia to its Facebook page. Jenner made the disturbing joke when she was asked by a moderator at the Washington dinner about the shooting Wednesday at a baseball practice that critically wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and injured several others. (Click here)

I am officially done with Caitlyn Jenner. I have tried to be supportive because I can only imagine how challenging this transition has been for her. I certainly want our society to be more understanding and supportive of transgender people; I do not believe, however, that we need to be supportive of transgender JERKS.

Being transgender is not what makes Caitlyn Jenner a jerk. (That is the ONLY thing she has going for her in my mind.) Ms. Jenner is a jerk because she has lived a life of extraordinary white privilege but, like the turtle on the fence post, has no recognition that she didn’t get there by herself. She has the luxury to ridicule liberals because liberals sacrificed, fought, and, yes, in some cases, died to win her acceptance and support for making her transition.

She does not support those who fought to win her civil protections and public acceptance, but she ridicules them (us) and supports a party and candidates who would spit on her if she were a poor black woman with no name or fame. That fact tells the truth about how they feel about her. Race, fame, and money may buy her access, comfort, and toleration. We “liberals,” however, are the only reason she has any equality or civil rights, and ingratitude is a sure sign of someone with a tiny soul.




Rev. Michael Piazza